Los Angeles Technology Center Home

Move forward and Level UP!

Your LA Technology Center through LAUSD's Division of Adult & Career Education is currently offering tuition-free classes.

LATC Highlights

*ATTENTION* Our phone lines are currently DOWN

As of Tuesday February 25th, our phone lines have been down. We are working to fix the issue ASAP. We are still open and can answer any questions or concerns in-person. Please stop by our campus and speak with our Main Office staff for assistance!
We apologize for the inconvenience!

*ATENCION* Nuestras lineas telefonicas estan fuera de servicio.
Desde el martes 25 de Febrero, las lineas telefonicas han estado fuera de servicio. Estamos trabajando para restaurarlas lo antes possible. La escuela esta abierta y estamos disponibles en persona para responder cualquier pregunta que tenga. Favor de visitar nuestra escuela y hablar con un representante en la oficina principal.De antemano, rogamos nos disculpen por esta incoveniencia.


Student Stories: Katelynn Lopez | Per Aspera Ad Astra (Hardship to The Stars)

Katelynn's story is one of remarkable resilience and transformation. Before enrolling at L.A. Technology Center (LATC), her life was marked by significant challenges. Growing up in an abusive and neglectful environment, Katelynn was often told she would never achieve anything noteworthy. However, her life took a positive turn when she moved in with her father at 17. Recognizing the need for a change, her father enrolled her in LATC, marking the beginning of Katelynn's new chapter.

Student Stories: Libia Alfaro

I am from Peru. I am the oldest of five siblings. My mother, Ana Maria, and my grandfather Mariano raised us since my parents separated when I was 11. My grandfather instilled in me the value of education.

I came to the U.S. in 1995 to complete my dreams. These were bad times in Peru, with terrorism and a terrible economy. This trip was planned for my brother Mariano, but he didn’t want to do it. I decided to take his place. I was always like this, taking advantage of opportunities. So I came to this country illegally, but full of hopes and dreams.
Student Stories: Jessica Lopez Featured Photo

Student Stories: Jessica Lopez

When I came to the USA in 2007, I was living with my aunt and my sister. One day in 2009, we were on Washington Boulevard buying food, and I saw the school Los Angeles Technology Center. I asked for information about English classes. I was so lucky to find it! I was able to take English as a Second Language classes, and later in 2016, I got my high school diploma.

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